Android Users Beware - Is Your Device Vulnerable To Malware?

Malware accurately describes the very thing it sounds like: it is "malicious software" intentionally created to damage, disrupt or otherwise steal information from an electronic device.

Many malware packages target the ubiquitous iPhones, but Android users should also take care.

Certain common signs can point to an infection with malware in Android device. Constant battery drain, without any obvious reason, is an important clue, as malware running in the background can easily drain the power of a device. The same goes for a phone that consistently overheats. In addition, unwanted apps, pop-ups, ads or redirects are a huge red flag pointing to the presence of malware on a device.

Finally, a spike in your mobile data usage, without any clear explanation for it, can signal that malware is at work behind the scenes on your phone. Chizera Ibeakanma "How to Tell if Your Android Phone Has Malware" (Nov. 26, 2024).


To protect yourself against malicious software on any device – cell phone or computer – be sure to install security software, including anti-virus and anti-spyware software and pop-up blockers, and keep it up-to-date.

Set your security software to update automatically; and back up your data regularly to prevent lost data should your computer crash due to a malicious virus attack.

Only click on trusted links, and only download and install software from trusted websites – and always follow the rule of safety that says: If you didn't go looking for it, don't install it on your computer. Never respond to spam emails.

And, verify new contacts from strangers before accepting anything from them or clicking any links they send. If you suspect your device has been infected with malware, disconnect it immediately from the Internet and keep it disconnected until you are sure the malware has been removed.

Here are additional signs that your device may be infected with malware:

  • Slowing down or crashing more than normal
  • Displaying frequent error messages
  • Failing to shut down or restart
  • Displaying numerous pop-up messages
  • Opening web pages you did not visit or sending emails you did not write
  • New toolbars or icons showing up unexpectedly
  • Your Internet home page changing suddenly and repeatedly
  • Your laptop battery draining more quickly than normal
  • Windows opening, claiming to scan your computer for viruses and finding an unrealistically large number
  • Black screens opening and closing when you start the computer
  • Emails being returned with virus warnings
  • Icons moving when you try to click on them
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