Smarter, Better Sexual Harassment Prevention

Smarter, Better Sexual Harassment Prevention trains employees about sexual harassment and the harm it creates in the workplace.

Trainees will learn:

  • The definition of sexual harassment
  • What types of conduct constitute sexual harassment
  • How to recognize sexual harassment
  • Who commits sexual harassment
  • Where and when sexual harassment can occur
  • What to do if sexual harassment is experienced or witnessed
  • How employees can help prevent sexual harassment


Risks and Subjects Covered:

  • Employment practice risks: the types of conduct that create a hostile working environment and the legal harm that causes
  • Risks of improper online and after work behavior: what conduct creates a hostile work environment online or after hours via emails and texts that contain sexual images; sexual or other improper behaviors to avoid
  • What constitutes a hostile working environment: the physical, verbal, and emotional conduct and communications that can create a hostile environment
  • Creating boundaries: maintaining boundaries and not circumventing boundaries with sexual comments, jokes, or images
  • Retaliation prevention: the importance of reporting retaliation for witnessing or reporting sexual harassment

Audience: All employees

Format: On-demand video, compatible with iOS devices

Length: 20-25 minutes

Trainer Available: Yes. Questions are received and answered via email from McCalmon trainers.

Language: English and Spanish

Testing: Yes. Includes a pre- and post-questionnaire of five questions.

Certificate of Completion: Yes

Written Materials: Yes

Interactive scenarios: Yes

Closed captioning: Yes

Customizable: Yes. The module can be changed to incorporate organizational policies and procedures; state or regulatory statutes, and can be adapted to other languages.

Contact us for pricing or to request a demonstration.